Carson said : “ it represents a business relationship between us and aeroflot 卡尔森表示: “交易表明我们和俄国际航空公司之间的一种商务往来。 ”
In 90 ' s , there filled of competition in the aviation market form civil to international 进入90年代以来,世界范围内航空公司之间的竞争充满硝烟,并极富有戏剧性。
The respective proportions of hong kong s current air passenger flow and flight volume not covered by air service agreements and inter - airline commercial agreements between hong kong and other countries ; and 空协定及航空公司之间的商业协定所涵盖的本地空运乘客量及班机数量所占比例分别为何及
With aircraft manufacturers planning to develop even larger aircraft ; air passenger profiles constantly changing and air cargo tonnages continuing to climb ; and with airlines becoming more competitive , an airport is no longer just about aircraft 由于飞机制造商正计划研制体积更大的飞机,航机乘客的类型又不断改变,加上航空货运量持续攀升,以及航空公司之间的竞争愈趋激烈,机场不再是只为飞机提供服务的设施。
Though decision makers are aware of the importance of training and integrate training expenses into operation costs , they would cut training expenses when the company undergoes poor economic performances or when the company is pushing cost - saving measures ; training is regarded as an effort that trains employees for other companies in that some employees will quit afterwards , which is not to the company ’ s profit 而航空公司之间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,吉林分公司只有拥有一流的人力资源,才能在激烈的市场竞争中得到发展。因此,建立有效的培训管理体系,通过培训提高员工素质从而提高企业竞争力,是南航吉林分公司当前重要的管理课题。
The loosing control by their governments in today ' s globalization is a globe trend , and the alliance among those airlines , airline net optimize , code share technology could let them enter into their target market with lower cost through their partner ' s surplus resource without broken the government control , then the great repay to their shareholders . to most of aero corporate , they could make furthest profits via the maximized revenue for the cost stability 近20年来的全球航空业发展历程告诉我们,民用航空业放开管制已是大势所趋、全球企业间战略联盟方兴未艾、各大航空企业集团的航线网络正不断优化、航空公司之间的代码共享使得航空公司得以绕开各国政府的航权管制利用对方剩余资源低成本进入目标市场,崭新的收益管理技术则为各大航空公司迅速发展提供了巨大而稳定的现金流量支持,同时为股东们带来了巨额的回报。