- atrophy of tongue
- tongue atrophy
- 舌 tongue sth. shaped like a to ...
- 萎缩 wither; shrivel
- 一侧舌萎缩 hemilingual atrophy
- 进行性单侧舌萎缩 lingual trophoneurosis
- 进行性偏侧舌萎缩 progressive hemilingual atrophy; progressive lingual hemiatrophy
- 舌下神经性舌萎缩 hypoglossal atrophy
- 舌萎 flaccid tongue
- 维生素缺乏性舌萎缩 atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis
- 舌营养神经病, 进行性单侧舌萎缩 lingual trophoneurosis
- 萎缩 1.(干枯) wither; shrivel 盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。 the summer heat withered up certain plants.2.(经济衰退) shrink; sag; contraction3.[医学] depauperate; analosis; atrophy; desiccation; stuntedness; atresia 肝萎缩 hepatatrophy; atrophy of the liver; 肌肉萎缩 amyotrophy; muscular atrophy
- sudeck萎缩 sudeck's atrophy
- 肠萎缩 anenterotrophy
- 齿萎缩 odontatrophia
- 肝萎缩 hepatatrophia; hepatatrophy
- 骨萎缩 atrophia ossis; bone atrophy; osteanabrosis
- 肌萎缩 amyotrophia; amyotrophy; myatrophy; muscular atrophy; myophagism; myo-atrophy
- 甲萎缩 atrophia unguium; onychatrophia; onychatrophy
- 口萎缩 mouth atrophy
- 眶萎缩 atrophy of orbit; orbital atrophy
- 面萎缩 atrophia facialis; facial atrophy
- 脑萎缩 encephalanalosis; encephalatrophy
- 脾萎缩 atrophia spleen; splenatrophia; splenatrophy
- 皮萎缩 atrophia cutis; atrophic skin; atrophoderma
- 肾萎缩 atrophy kidney; atrophy of kidney; nephrarctia; renal atrophy
- 使萎缩 dwarf