- will never change even unto death; changeless; constant till death; incorrigible
- 至死 unto death; till death
- 不变 invariant
- 至死不分离 until dealth and distance do we part
- 至死不改 refuse to change to the very end
- 至死不屈 die game; not to yield even unto death; did not yield till death; fight (up) to the last ditch; stick to one's principle to the end of one's life
- 至死不悟 hold on to one's wrong belief till death; incorrigibly stubborn; never to repent even at death's door
- 至死不泄 carry the secret to the grave
- 至死不渝 will never change until death
- 爱你到至死不渝 sg wanna be
- 至死不渝地爱某人 love sb. to the day of one's death
- 只留下一纸遗言 我爱她至死不渝 with a note that said i'll love her till i die
- 死不 would rather die than; stubbornly refuse to 死不认错 stubbornly refuse to admit one's mistake
- 到底, 至死 to the end of the chapter
- 不变 invariant◇不变测度 invariant measure; 不变成本 fixed cost; constant cost; 不变点 invariant point; 不变度量 invariant metric; 不变分布 invariant distribution; 不变关系 invariant relation; 不变估计 invariant estimation; 不变函数 invariant function; 不变积分 invariant integral; 不变集合 invariant set; 不变价格 [经济] fixed price; constant price; 不变检验 invariant test; 不变量 invariant; 不变嵌入 invariant imbedding; 不变数 numerical invariant; 不变因子 invariant factor; 不变域 invariant field; field of invariants; 不变运算 invariant operation; 不变值 fixed value; 不变资本 [经济] constant capital; 不变子空间 invariant subspace; stable subspace; 不变子群 invariant subgroup
- 死不了 die hard; portulacasundialatypeofplant
- 恒心至死 final perseverance
- 尽瘁至死 slave oneself to death
- 由生至死 from the cradle to the grave ie from birth till death
- 战斗至死 fight on till one's last breath
- 至死, 拚到底 to the very end
- 至死大骂 abuse ... to the last breath; even at the very point of death one never ceased one's railing and abuse
- 至死方回头 til death
- 至死方休 not to stop until death; be released only by death
- 至死靡他 be changeless till death
- 至市价 mark-to-market
- 至适温度 optimal standard
- 至死不变的日语:しぬまでかわらない 死ぬまで変わらない
- 至死不变的韩语:【성어】 죽어도 변하지 않다.
- 至死不变什么意思:zhì sǐ bù biàn 【解释】到死不改变(现常用在坏的方面)。 【出处】《礼记·中庸》:“国无道,至死不变,强哉矫。” 【拼音码】zsbb 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义