Henry was the ultimate chauvinist . 亨利是一个极端男性至上主义者。
However , the theory that magic is a dominant trait seems more likely since the prevalence of pure - blood elitism may very well have its genesis in a rational desire to preserve the magic gene in the wizarding population 但魔法等位基因含有显性特征这一理论似乎可能性更大,因为纯血统至上主义者的普遍想法的发展过程可能是出于在巫师种族中维持魔法基因这一想法。
2 . he ' s a gay - basher . 3 . he ' s a white supremacist . 4 . he ' s a bigot . 5 . ageism is a form of discrimination . 6 . that ' s a sweeping statement . 7 . you ' re being stereotypical . 8 . one rotten apple doesn ' t spoil the whole bunch 2 .他是大肆攻击同性恋的人. 3 .他是白人至上主义者. 4 .他是老顽固.他歧视有色人种. 5 .鄙视老人是一种歧视. 6 .那是不分青红皂白的声明. 7 .你这样说,未免有失偏颇. 8 .一根竹竿打翻一船人