- 自然保护 natural conservation
- 法 law
- 自然保护 conservation of nature; natural conservation; natural protection; nature co ervation; nature conservation; nature preservation; nature protection; nature reserve; natureco ervation; naturepreservation; protection de la nature; protection of nature; schweizer naturschutz; the nature conservancy
- 自然保护党 looduskaitseselts
- 自然保护地 natuschutzpark
- 自然保护局 nature conservation bureau
- 自然保护区 ecological island; landscape reservation; natural preservation areas; natural protection area; natural reserve area; natural reserve; nature preservation zone; natural reserves; nature conservation area; nature preserve; nature protection area; nature reserves; nature sanctuary; naturereserve; reservation park; wilderness area; zapovednik
- 保护自然;自然保护 conservation of nature
- 大自然保护处 servicio de proteccion a la naturaleza
- 自然保护部长 minister of natural protection
- 自然保护规划 conservation programs; na tural conservation planning
- 自然保护联盟 iucn
- 自然保护区preserve natural preservation areas
- 自然保护区学 natural reserveslogy
- 自然保护宪章 charter of nature conservation
- 自然保护运动 conservation movement
- 天然物保护, 自然保护 protection of nature
- 自然环境保护法 natural environment conservation act; natural environmental conservation act
- 阿尔泰自然保护区 altayskiy zapovednik
- 白水江自然保护区 baishuijiang nature reserve
- 班丹自然保护区 pandan nature reserve
- 大自然保护协会 nature conservancy the
- 迪利然自然保护区 dilizhanskiy zapovednik
- 鼎湖山自然保护区 dinghu mountain
- 国际自然保护联盟 international union for conservation of nature and natural resources; iucn