无始无终 lacking beginning and end; eternity; timeless; without beginning and ending
有始无终 having a beginning but no end; begin well but end badly; begin well but fall off towards the close; do sth. but halves; start sth. but fail to carry it through
自始至终 from first to last; ab ovo usque and mala [拉丁语]; all the while; during the whole period; from a to z; from beginning to end; from cover to cover; from start to finish; from the egg to the apple
The former three shows the legislation aim from the angle of guarantee the insurance system defend the interest of the insurer , while the last reflects that the double insurance has the function of protecting the interests of the insured 恶意的重复保险自始无效,对于善意的重复保险,保险人的责任承担方式亦应从对保险人较为有利的比例责任承担方式变为对保险人和投保人均有利的连带责任承担方式。
Clause 25 where an obligee brings a suit to enforce its cancellation right pursuant to article 74 of the contract law and petitions the people ' s court for cancellation of the obligor ' s act of waiving its creditor ' s right or transferring its property , the people ' s court shall adjudicate the case to the extent of the amount claimed by the obligee , and if the obligor ' s act is canceled in accordance with the law , such act is invalid ab initio 第二十五条债权人依照合同法第七十四条的规定提起撤销权诉讼,请求人民法院撤销债务人放弃债权或转让财产的行为,人民法院应当就债权人主张的部分进行审理,依法撤销的,该行为自始无效。