Property as a built - in structure for automatically retaining values between multiple requests for the same page 属性作为内置结构,在对同一页的多个请求间自动保留值。
18 hakimpour f , geppert a . resolving semantic heterogeneity in schema integration : an ontology based approach 在早先的系统中,没有人提出自动保留全局模式中的所有关系的机制。
All his email is automatically saved on the system , as is anything he reads or buys online 他所有的电子邮件是自动存在系统里的,一如他在线所读过或所买过的东西也自动保留一样。
The characters on a player ' s friend and ignore lists will remain , provided those characters moved to the same realm 如果他们也在新服务器,自动保留。您依然可以和你的朋友一起战斗,关您讨厌的人儿小黑屋。