- 臂章 armband; armlet; shoulder em ...
- 分析 analyse
- 法 law
- 篇章分析 discourse analysis; text analysis
- 臂章 (佩带在上臂的标志) armlet; arm-badge; armband; brassard; [军事] shoulder emblem [patch]
- 篇章分析 [言谈分析 discourse analysis
- 分析法 abc-analysis; analysis approach; analysis method; analysis technique; analytic approach; analytic method; analytical approach; analytical method; fractionation; fta; method of analysis; smart smart; swot swot; tga
- 篇章分析综合理论 integrated theory of discourse analysis
- abc分析法 abc analysis
- scatchard分析法 scatchard analysis
- 案例分析法 case study
- 奥氏分析法 orsat analysis
- 保留分析法 retention
- 饱和分析法 saturation analysis
- 贝斯分析法 bayesian approach
- 倍频分析法 multiple-frequency analysis
- 比较分析法 method of comparative analysis
- 比率分析法 ratio analysis method
- 比色分析法 colorimetric analysis
- 比重分析法 proportional analysis approach
- 比浊分析法 photoextinction method
- 笔迹分析法 handwriting analysis
- 边际分析法 technique of marginal analysis
- 标准分析法 standard analysis; standard analytical process
- 裁判分析法 referee method of analysis