腠 名词1.(肌肉的纹理) the natural fibre line of meat2.(写作时的思路) the thread of thought in writing
腱至骨附着再附着术 reattachment of tendon to skeletal attachment
What ' s causing the pain 什么原因引发腱子疼痛?
You also may do gentle stretching exercises to prevent stiffness 你还应该做一些温和型的拉伸运动一次来避免腱子硬化。
Generally , tendinopathies occur in middle and older age , from your 30s to your 70s 一般来说腱子病变衰退出现在中年和老年,从你的30岁开始一直到70岁。
The trauma to the tendon tissue prompts the body to deliver blood and nutrients to the site as part of its healing response 腱子组织损伤的部位在自我恢复的过程中会促使身体将血液与营养物质传送到损伤部位。
Use moist heat to warm up your problem tendon before exercising . afterward , apply ice and wrap the tendon with a compression strap or sleeve 在练习前用蒸汽来敷你出现问题的腱子部位。而后,用绷绳或者套子将冰块绑在腱子部位。
If your tendon pain lasts more than a few weeks , see a doctor to rule out another , potentially more serious cause of the pain , such as a stress fracture 如果你的腱子痛持续长达数个星期,应该到医生那里就诊去找出那个潜在的严重的引起你疼痛的原因,比如压迫性骨折。
Talk to your doctor about physical therapy , and work with your physical therapist to learn eccentric exercises that elongate and strengthen muscles and tendons 向你的医生咨询物理治疗,同时要与你的物理治疗临床医学家合作进行牵引练习以此来拉伸加强你的肌肉和腱子。
For some people , resting the affected tendon may be all they need to ease the pain , but others with chronic pain struggle to find relief 对于一些人来说,休息静养或许是他们所能够做到的缓解腱子疼痛的方法,但是另一些有着慢性长期腱子痛的人还在努力寻求缓解疼痛的方法。
Ask your physician if newer tendinopathy treatments such as shockwave therapy , autologous blood injections or nitroglycerin patches are right for you 向你的医生咨询如果新的治疗腱子病变衰退症的方法比如超声波疗法,自体移植式血液注射疗法或者是硝化甘油片疗法是否适合你。
While tennis , golf and other activities that involve repetitive use and overuse of a tendon are the usual culprits , other daily activities also can trigger pain 虽然那些包含重复使用和过度使用腱子的网球、高尔夫和其他的一些活动,是引起腱子痛通常的原因,但是其他的一些日常活动也可以引发疼痛。