He planted the seeds in a box filled with leaf mould 他把种子播在装满腐叶沃土的木箱里。
Prepare beds for annuals and small plants by working in plenty of organic material , layer mulch on top , then gently stick the transplants through mulch to the appropriate depth 为一年生植物和小型植物准备苗床需要大量的有机材料,如腐叶土堆在上层,然后将移栽苗种植到适当的深度。
Besides , we can offer many horti / agriculture materials such as lime , rotten leaves , plant ash , peatmoss , granular peatmoss foster earth , expanded vermiculite , expanded perlite , silicant clay , pumice , maifanshi , zeolite and fertilizer for family gardening 此外,我司还可供应各种不同规格、包装的园艺资材,如草炭土、腐叶土、草炭土、颗粒草炭培养土、轻质/重质陶粒、膨胀蛭石、膨胀珍珠岩、轻石、麦饭石、沸石、硅酸盐白土以及家庭园艺用高效肥料等。