香[腊]肠用肉馅。 sausage meat腊八 the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month蜡酯水解酶 wax-ester hydrolase腊八豆炒蜡肉 sautéed preserved pork with fermented soy bean蜡酯 wax esters; we腊八粥 rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month蜡蚧 wax scales腊包儿 rabaul蜡痂 cicatrix腊包儿 澳 新 pgrab rabaul蜡暝 bee moth
Why did she have to wax the floors herself ? 她干什么非要自己动手给地板打腊 ? Every time she waxes the floor she keels over . 每一回给地板打腊 她都晕得站不住。 Belinda crawled in and charlotte lit the candles . 比琳达也跟进来了;夏洛蒂点着了腊 烛。 There was once a king of syracuse whose name was hiero . 从前叙腊 丘斯有个国王,名叫海罗。 Early arab visitors to sumatra regarded it with dread . 早期到过苏门答腊 的阿拉伯人都谈虎色变。 Ruck, however, agreed that the answer should not be perfunctory . 不过,腊 斯克倒是同意答复不应敷衍了事。 He thought the best thing he could do would be to skip off to soerabaya . 他想最好的办法是溜到苏腊 巴亚去。 For pickling, preserving, and cookery, none could excel her . 若是制酸菜、腌腊 蜜饯、烹调,无人能做得超过她。 Paraffin waxes are normally marketed on the basis of a melting-point test . 石腊 一般按其熔点不同在市场上分类出售。
腊的法语 :confites confîmes 12 confis confits confite conservée confirent腊的日语 :腊xī ◎干し肉. 『異読』【腊 là 】腊的韩语 :석腊的俄语 := 腊腊什么意思 :(臘) xī ㄒㄧˉ 1)干肉:“噬~肉,遇毒。” 2)晾干:“燃得而~之以为饵。” 3)皮肤皴皱。 (1) 臘、臈 là (2) (形声。从肉,巤(liè)声。本义:年终祭祀) 祭名。古代阴历十二月的一种祭祀。冬至后第三个戌日祭祀众神 [sacrifice at the end of the lunar year] 冬至后三戌,腊祭百神。――《说文》。字亦作臈。 夏曰嘉平,殷曰清祀,周曰大蜡,汉...