- 脏 internal organs; entrails; v ...
- 膨 expand; swell
- 结 p-n junction
- 线虫 nematode; nemathelminth; oat ...
- 巨膨结线虫 eustrongylus gigas
- 膨结线虫病 dioctophymosis
- 膨结线虫属 dioctophyma; dioctophyme
- 肾膨结线虫 dioctophyma renale; eioctophyma renale; eustrongylus gigas; eustrongylus visceralis; giant kidney worm; kidney worm
- 狗膨结线虫病 dioctophymosis of dog; kidney worm discase of dog
- 管作膨结线虫 eustrongylus tubifex
- 乳突膨结线虫 eustrongylus papillosus
- 巨圆线虫, 肾膨结线虫 strongylus gigas
- 肾圆线虫, 肾膨结线虫 strongylus renalis
- 根结线虫 meloidogyne spp; root-knot nematode
- 根结线虫病 root knot nematode disease; rootknotnematodedisease; rot knot nematode disease
- 棘结线虫病 echinuriasis
- 北方根结线虫 meloidogyne hapla chitwood
- 茶根结线虫病 root knot nematode disease of tea
- 大豆根结线虫 root-knot nematode
- 甘薯根结线虫 root knot nematode disease of sweet potato
- 钩状棘结线虫 echinuria uncinata
- 茄根结线虫病 root knot nematode disease of eggplant
- 有钩棘结线虫 echinuria uncinata
- 爪哇根结线虫 meloidogyne javanica
- 大豆根结线虫病 nematode disease of soybean