- 胡 non-Han nationalities living ...
- 哲学 philosophy
- 丘胡哲 cuhuci
- 哲学(自然哲学) philosophy
- 白板 (哲学) tabula rasa
- 程哲学 process philosophy
- 法哲学 b:the philosophy of right; jurisprudence and philosophy; philosophy of law; rechtsphilosophie
- 范畴 (哲学) categories (aristotle); category of being
- 机哲学” computer philosophy
- 理哲学 logic
- 新哲学 a new philosophy: henri bergson
- 元哲学 metaphilosophy
- 哲学处 division of philosophy
- 哲学的 philosophical
- 哲学家 d336; falasifah; philosopher; shankara; stoic
- 哲学类 philosophical sciences; philosophy
- 哲学上 philosophically
- 哲学史 history of western philosophy; the dream of reason
- 哲学士 bph; bachelor of philosophy
- 哲学书 philosophy
- 哲学王 philosopher-king
- 哲学系 department of philosophy; philosophy
- 哲学星 philosophia
- 哲学院 philosophy