- detention of the afterbirth
- retention of placenta
- 胞衣 afterbirth a surname
- 半产胞衣不下 retention of placenta after abortion
- 胎衣不下,胎衣不出,息胞,胞衣不下,胞胀不下 retention of placenta
- 胎衣不下 retained after birth; retained afterbirth; retained fetal membranes; retained placenta; retention of placenta; retention placenta; rp
- 胞衣 [中医] afterbirth; secundina (pl. secundinae) (胎盘和胎膜统称, 入中药叫“紫河车”, 治劳损, 虚弱)
- 胞衣论 deuterology
- 驹胞衣 horse placenta
- 猫胞衣 cat placenta
- 牛胞衣 cow placenta
- 人胞衣 placenta hominis
- 细胞衣 cell coat
- 胞衣, 胎盘胎膜 after-birth
- 胞衣胎块 maternal mole
- 胞衣先破 premature rupture of amniotic membrane
- 胞衣羊膜 amnia
- 我衣不遮体 not a shirt on my back
- 衣不蔽体 be in rags; be dressed in rags [tatters]; be of shreds and patches; have insufficient clothing to cover one's nakedness; have no clothes to one's back; have not a shirt [a rag] to one's back; have nothing but rags on one's back; not enough shreds to have one's back covered; wear rags; wear shabby clothes
- 衣不称身 audio
- 衣不解带 not to undress
- 不下墨 ink retreating from foumtain roller; ink retreating from fountain roller; stripping
- 不下于 1.(不少于) as many as; no less than 不下于五十万人 no less than half a million people; 展出的新产品不下于三百种。 there are as many as 300 new products on show.2.(不低于) not inferior to; as good as; on a par with 这种织物不下于真丝。 this cloth is not inferior to real silk. 这个街道小厂的产品质量不下于一些国营大厂。 the products of this small neighbourhood factory are as good as those turned out by some large state-run plants
- 吃不下 not feel like eating; be unable to eat any more;cannot eat due to loss of appetite 他不太舒服, 吃不下。 he's not very well; he doesn't feel like eating. 谢谢, 我实在吃不下了。 thanks, but i really can't eat any more.; thanks, i've really had enough
- 穿不下 s size
- 放不下 can’t put it down; fail to extend
- 住不下 cannot accommodate (because of limitation of space)