- 胞壁 cell wall
- 开裂 dehiscence; dehisce; crackin ...
- 开裂 dehiscence; dehisce; cracking; crazing; ripping; cleavage; split 杯底开裂 crack a cup across the bottom
- 壁开关 wall switch
- 长壁开采 all over work; broadwall; longwall mining; longwalling
- 长壁开采法 long wall method; long wall system; long-face system; longwall; wall system
- 处壁开管柱 wall treated open tubular column
- 嵌壁开关 recessed switch
- 双壁开沟铲 lister shovel
- 双壁开沟犁 bull ditcher; busting plow; double breasted plough; double turn plow; double wing ditcher; double wing plow; double-breasted plough; double-breastedplough; listing plough; middle-buster plow
- 双壁开沟器 lister opener
- 胞壁酸 muramic acid; teichoic acid; teichoicacid
- 胞壁质 dermatoplasm; murein; peptidoglycan
- 胞壁肽 muramyl peptide
- 胞壁酰 muramyl-
- 细胞壁 cel wall; cell wall; cw; cytoderm; wall of cell
- 龟裂;开裂 cracking
- 角开裂 aperture of angle
- 开裂(玻) tear
- 开裂874 those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1 2 5 and litres
- 开裂的 cleavable; fissured; torn-up
- 开裂线 line of cleavage
- 内开裂 internal fissure
- 致使…开裂 cleave 1
- 舱壁开口盖板 plate door