- 胜利 win; victory; triumph
- 战胜 defeat; triumph over; vanqui ...
- 胜利, 战胜, 克服 victory
- 二战胜利奖章 world war ii victory medal
- 欧战胜利纪念日 victory in europe day
- 胜利的, 得胜的, 战胜的 victorious
- 抗战胜利受降纪念馆 world war ii museum world war ii surrender-accepting memorial
- 战胜 defeat; triumph over; vanquish; overcome 战胜对手 triumph over the opponent; 战胜顽敌 defeat a tough enemy; 战胜自然灾害 conquer natural disasters; 战胜国 victorious nation
- 第二次世界大战欧战胜利纪念日 victory in europe day
- 胜利 1.(获胜) win; victory; triumph 外交上的胜利 a diplomatic triumph; 胜利归来 return in triumph; 胜利果实 fruits of victory; 祝你们取得更大胜利 wish you greater success; 胜利来之不易。 victory is not won easily. 胜利属于人民。 victory belongs to the people. 胜利在望。 victory is in sight.2.(达到预定目的) successfully; triumphantly 胜利完成任务 successfully carry out one's task; 胜利者 victor; winner
- 不战胜 win by default
- 战胜, 击败 win a victory over; win the victory over
- 战胜,突围 break through
- 战胜;击败 defeat
- 战胜;克服 overcome
- 战胜的 victorious: having gained the victory
- 战胜国 victorious nation
- 战胜者 victor
- 不可战胜的 invincible
- 超越, 胜过, 战胜 outdo
- 彻底战胜 knock down and drag out
- 斗战胜佛 sun wukong
- 击败,战胜,打败 edge,beat,defeat
- 可战胜的 surmountable
- 克服战胜 got over it