- viviparous germination vivipary
- 胚胎 embryo; embryon
- 萌发 sprout; sprouting; germinate ...
- 胎萌 vivipary
- 萌发 sprout; sprouting; germinate; germination; shoot; bud 玫瑰萌发新枝。 the rose sprouted buds. 芽在春天萌发。 buds sprout in the spring
- 胚胎 [生物学] embryo; embryon◇胚胎病理学 embryopathology; 胚胎发生 embryogeny; embryogenesis; 胚胎发育 embryonic development; 胚胎核 embryonic nucleus; 胚胎培养 embryo culture; 胚胎期 embryonic period, embryonic phase; 胚胎学 cyemology; embryology; 胚胎学家 embryologist; 胚胎移植 embryo transfer; embryo transplantation
- 发芽,萌发 germination
- 假萌发 false germination
- 萌发槽 germinal furrow
- 萌发带 keimstreifen
- 萌发沟 germinal furrow
- 萌发管 germ tube
- 萌发后 post-emergence
- 萌发孔 germ pore; germ-pore; germinal aperture; germination aperture
- 萌发口 germinal aperture
- 萌发期 germination period
- 萌发器 germinator; germinlien; keimapparate
- 萌发前 pre-emergence
- 春季萌发 green sprouting
- 促萌发剂 germination accelerator
- 读写萌发 emergent literacy
- 对环萌发孔 loxotreme
- 多萌发孔的 poly-aperturate
- 二次萌发 germinatoion by repetition
- 复口,复萌发孔 composite aperture
- 花粉萌发 pollen germination