The results show the relative reactivities of three second hydroxyl groups on steroids skeleton of methyl cholicate are different to the three kinds of acylating agents 结果显示,与三种活性不同的酰化试剂作用时,胆酸甲酯分子甾体骨架上三个仲羟基的相对反应活性不同。
Acylation activity of hydroxyl groups in methyl cholicate has been determined by the use of methacryloyl chloride , methacryloyl anhydride and methacrylic acid as the acylating agents 以甲基丙烯酰氯、甲基丙烯酸酐和甲基丙烯酸作酰化剂,研究了胆酸甲酯分子中羟基的反应活性。