- mucous gland of gallbladder
- 胆囊 gall bladder a surname
- 粘液 mucus; muco-
- 腺 gland
- 胆囊粘液分泌 gallbladder mucus secretion
- 胆囊粘液囊肿 mucocele of gallbladder; mucous cyst of gallbladder
- 粘液腺 cryptae mucosae; glandulae mucosa; mucous gland
- 胆囊粘连 adhesion of gallbladder
- 胆囊粘膜 mucous coat of gallbladder; mucous membrane of gallbladder; tunica mucosa vesicae biliaris; tunica mucosa vesicae felleae
- 胆囊粘膜层 membrana mucosa vesicae felleae
- 胆囊粘膜窦 sinuses of aschoff-rokitansky
- 胆囊粘膜襞 plicae tunicae mucosae vesicae biliaris; plicae tunicae mucosae vesicae felleae
- 泪囊粘液溢 dacryocystoblennorrhea
- 产粘液腺癌 mucin-producing adenocarcinoma; mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma
- 肠粘液腺 intestinal mucous gland
- 唇粘液腺炎 chilitis glandularis apostenatosa; myxadenitis labialis
- 胆道粘液腺 glandulae mucosae biliosae
- 胆管粘液腺 mucous gland of bile duct; mucous glands of bile duct
- 分泌粘液腺 muciparous gland
- 混合粘液腺 mixed mucous gland
- 浆液粘液腺 glandula seromucosa; mixed gland
- 口腔粘液腺 oral mucous glands
- 皮肤粘液腺 cutaneous mucous gland
- 舌粘液腺 lingual mucous glands
- 胃粘液腺 gastric mucous gland
- 咽粘液腺 pharyngeal mucous gland