Emotional stress or psychological pressure causes stimulation of the nervous system , which in turn causes excessive secretion of gastric acid 引致消化性溃疡的原因:精神紧张、心理压力,以致刺激神经系统,令胃液分泌增加
Pharmacological study : after human taking gizzard - membrane , the secretory volume of gastric juice increases . the acidity and the digestive power are both enhanced . and the later enhancement appears a little slower and lasts longer 药理研究:人口服内金后,胃液分泌量增多,酸度消化力均见提高,其中消化力增加出现较迟缓,维持也持久,服内金后,胃动力明显增强,大大提高胃排空率。
The scent in green tea a group of things with common features compound can be deliquescent adipose , change chaotic to go be bored with prevents adipose inside the body that accumulate sluggish , and vitaminic b1 , c and caffein can promote gastric juice to secrete , peptic with disappear fat 绿茶中的芳香族化合物能溶解脂肪,化浊去腻防止脂肪积滞体内,而维他命b1 、 c和咖啡因能促进胃液分泌,有助消化与消脂。