Breast swelling , pain , burns or any complication 乳房局部胀痛、热感或合并症发生。
Redness at perineum area or swelling 会阴部发红或有胀痛现象。
As intestinal activity increases , distention and gas pains gradually decrease 因为随着肠动增加,腹胀和胀痛也会逐渐增加。
Othello . i have a salt and sorry rheum offends me ; lend me thy handkerchief 奥瑟罗我的眼睛有些胀痛,老是淌著眼泪。把你的手帕借给我一用。
Curative effect : the distending pain in hepatic region usually alleviates three days after taking medicine 服后反应:一般服用后3天开始肝部胀痛减轻。
People who take the medication but continue to eat fatty foods , suffer from painfully bloated stomachs and diarrhea 使用药的人如果持续吃高脂食品,会感觉痛苦的胃胀痛和腹泻。
At the same time companion has a breast to bilge painful or ache , individual patient is returned to alar reach upper limbs to radiate 同时伴有乳房胀痛或酸痛,个别病人还向腋下及上肢放射。
He had suffered from throbbing headache over the frontal area with a fullness sensation behind the left eye on and off for one week 结果:一位26岁男性病患抱怨在过去一个星期左眼红肿、眼皮下垂以及断断续续的前额抽痛和左眼后方胀痛感。
Indication : sudden nervous fright and irritability with incessant crying , common cold and flu , fever , cough with phlegm , stomach pain and flatulence , loss of appetite , constipation 主治:婴孩惊悸,睡卧惊跳,烦燥哭叫,伤风感冒,身热痰多,咳嗽流涕,胃气胀痛,不思饮食,肠热便秘。
These irradiations may injure visual cells , harms visual nerve as well as the central nervous system , causing ophthalmology disease like vision decline , eye strain , cataract , etc 这些射线杀伤人眼的视觉细胞,损害人的视觉神经以及中枢神经,引起视力衰退、双眼胀痛,造成白内障等各种眼科疾病。