

  • hepatitis a vaccine(inactivated,adsorbed)
  • pneumovax



  • 例句与用法
  • Some infants and children develop fevers after receiving routine immunizations , such as the diphtheria , tetanus and pertussis ( dtap ) or pneumococcal vaccines
  • The bill gates foundation has pledged 75 million us dollars to develop a pneumonia vaccine that could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children each year
  • The bill gates foundation has pledged 75 million us dollars to develop a pneumonia vaccine that could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children each year
  • Professor tsui lap - chee , vice - chancellor of the university of hong kong , illustrates the relationship between genetics and virology from a geneticist ' s perspective
  • Path ' s vaccine chief john boslego said current vaccines cost up to 60 dollars per dose , far too expensive for many developing countries , and did not work well in developing regions where 50 percent of deaths occur . " wed like to get it down to less than five us dollars at least , " boslego said
  • The vaccine with at present commonly used vaccinate of our country children can divide it is 3 kinds : immunity of the first kind of plan of 5 kinds of children that consolidates a regulation for the country uses vaccine , include : second liver is 100 days of grey vaccine of bcg vaccine , backbone , broken vaccine , measles vaccine , vaccinal ; the 2nd kind brings into children to plan the vaccine of immune management for ministry of public health ; the 3rd kind is saved for each ( municipality , municipality directly under the central government ) the vaccine that bring into or plans to bring into children vaccinate to manage , if shed wind of cheek of vaccine of liver of cerebral vaccine , second head vaccine , measles vaccine , armour , hemp , vaccinal , flu vaccine , yaricella vaccine , pneumonic vaccine , haemorrhage heats up vaccine to wait
  • 推荐英语阅读
肺炎疫苗的英文翻译,肺炎疫苗英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译肺炎疫苗,肺炎疫苗的英文意思,肺炎疫苗的英文肺炎疫苗 meaning in English肺炎疫苗的英文肺炎疫苗怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
