- pulmonary valve
- valva trunci pulmonalis
- 干 trunk; main part
- 瓣 petal clove; segment
- 肺动脉瓣,肺动脉干瓣 valve of pulmonary trunk
- 肺动脉干, 肺动脉 trunk pulmonary
- 肺动脉干 pulmonary trunk; pulmonarytrunk; trunk of pulmonary artery
- 肺动脉干口 open of pulmonary trunk; orifice of pulmonary trunk; ostium trunci pulmonalis; pulmonary orifice
- 肺动脉干杈 bifurcatio of pulmonary trunk; bifurcatio trunci pulmonalis; bifurcation of pulmonary trunk
- 肺动脉干窦 sinus trunci pulmonalis; sinuses of pulmonary trunk
- 肺动脉干窦 肺动脉窦 sinusesofpulmonarytrunk; sinustruncipulmonalis
- 肺动脉杈,肺动脉干杈 bifurcation of pulmonary trunk
- 肺动脉窦,肺动脉干窦 sinus of pulmonary trunk
- 共肺动脉主动脉干 common aortopulmonary trunk
- 肺动脉干半月瓣弧缘 lunulae of pulmonary trunk valves; lunulae valvularum semilunarium trunci pulmonalis
- 特发性肺动脉干扩张 idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary trunk
- 动脉干 arterial stem; arterial trunk; arteriosus truncus; truncus aortae; truncus arteriosis; truncus arteriosus
- 半动脉干 hemi-truncus arteriosus
- 动脉干嵴 truncus arteriosus ridge
- 腹腔动脉干 celiac trunk
- 共动脉干 common truncus arteriosus
- 共同动脉干 truncus arteriosus communis
- 假性动脉干 pseudotruncus arteriosus
- 颈动脉干 truncus caroticus
- 舌面动脉干 linguofacial arterial trunk
- 胎儿动脉干 truncus arteriosus of fetus
- 体动脉干 truncus systemicus