- 肠 intestines
- 蠕动 wriggle; creep; squirm; cree ...
- 叩诊器 percuteur
- 肠蠕动 enterocinesia; enterokinesia; enterokinesis; intestinal peristalsis; movements of the bowel; peristalsis
- 叩诊器 percu or; percussor; percuteur; phonacoscope
- 肠蠕动波 peristaltic wave
- 肠蠕动迟缓 bradydiastalsis; hypoperistalsis of intestine
- 肠蠕动定律 law of intestines
- 肠蠕动过强 hyperperistalsis
- 肠蠕动音 intestinal peristaltic sound; sound of intestine
- 胃肠蠕动 gastrointestinal motility; gastrointestinal peristalsis
- 胃肠蠕动波 gastrointestinal peristaltic wave
- 小肠蠕动 small bowel peristalsis
- 小肠蠕动波 small bowel peristaltic rush
- 家用叩诊器 home used percu or; home used percussor
- 铝柄叩诊器 percussor with aluminium handle
- 听叩诊器 auscultoplectrum
- 叩诊器,打诊槌 percu or; percussor
- 肠蠕动描记仪 ecterograph
- 胃肠蠕动加快 gastrointestinal peristalsis accelerates
- 鲸骨柄叩诊器 percussor with whalebone handle
- 折叠式叩诊器 folding percussor
- 贝-斯定律,肠蠕动定律 baylis-starling law
- 带拇指靠的叩诊器 percussor with thumb rest
- 带橡胶锤的叩诊器 percussor with rubber hammer