- 肠 intestines
- 肠吻合术 entero-anastomosis; intestin ...
- 肠吻合术 entero-anastomosis; intestinal anastomosis
- 空肠吻合术 cjs; hdjs; roux-en-y
- 胃肠吻合术 gastroenteroanastomosis; gastroenterostomia; gastroenterostomy
- 小肠吻合术 anastomosis of bowel; anastomosis of intestine
- 直肠吻合术 anastomosis of rectum
- 膀胱肠吻合术 bladder to intestine anastomosis
- 大肠-大肠吻合术 enteroanastomosis large-to-large intestine
- 肝管肠吻合术 hepaticoenterostomy; hepatocholangioenterostomy
- 肝空肠吻合术 hepatojejunostomy
- 肝门肠吻合术 kasai procedure; porto-enteral anastomosis
- 肝小肠吻合术 hepatico enterostomy
- 后胃肠吻合术 posteior gastroenterostomy
- 回结肠吻合术 ilecolostomy
- 空回肠吻合术 jejunoileostomy
- 食管肠吻合术 esophagoenterostomy
- 胃回肠吻合术 gastroileostomy
- 胃结肠吻合术 gastrocolostomy
- 胃空肠吻合术 gastrojejunostomy; gastronesteostomy
- 胰空肠吻合术 pancreas to jejunum anastomosis; pancreaticojejunostomy
- 胰至肠吻合术 pancreas to intestine anastomosis
- 膀胱回肠吻合术 bladder to ileum anastomosis
- 胆管空肠吻合术 cholangio jejunostomy; cholangiojejunostomy
- 胆管小肠吻合术 cholangio enterostomy; cholangioenterostomy