Means wood and is the only component of fibre that escapes digestion , even by bacteria in the bowel . it literally goes in one end and comes out the other :意为木头,只含纤维而不被消化,即使肠内细菌也无法分解,所以吃进去后又原封不便的解出来。
However , there are people in certain parts of the world who can produce vitamin b12 within their bodies . laboratory tests of bacteria taken from the intestines of some vegetarians in india , for example , have found microorganisms that have this ability 奇妙的是,有研究报告指出,世界上某些地方的人可能可以自己产生维他命b12 ,例如,印度素食者的肠内细菌测验就显示,潜伏在他们体内的微生物能够产生这种维生素。
New minimally heated refrigerated foods are raising concerns about the hazard , he will tell delegates . other topics include how the complete genetic blueprints or genomes of food - poisoning bacteria such as campylobacter are transforming the science of food safety , and the latest research into potentially deadly strains of the e . coli gut bacterium 本次研讨会的其它议题还包括:诸如弯曲杆菌这类食源性有毒细菌的完整基因图谱或基因组图谱是如何转化成为食品安全科技的,以及对大肠杆菌这种肠内细菌有可能转变成致命菌株的最新研究成果。