- 肛门 anus; anal opening; anal ori ...
- 皱皮 cockles; wrinkled skin
- 肌 muscle; flesh
- 皮肌 cutaneous muscle; dermal muscle; integumentary musculature; musculi cutaneus; musculus cutaneus
- 气门皱 spiracular furrow
- 肛门 anus; anal opening; anal orifice; vent; archos; propygium; archocystocolposyrinx; tewel; bung
- 皱皮(铸疵) orange peel; surface folding
- 皱皮瓜 kantelu:p kantl9opp
- 皱皮蛙 rana rugosa; winkled frog
- 唇皮肌 musculus cutaneus labiorum
- 颈皮肌 musculus cutaneus colli
- 面皮肌 musculus cutaneus faciei
- 皮肌层 dermo muscular coat; dermo muscular layer; dermomuscular layer; dermomuseular sac
- 皮肌的 dermomuscular
- 皮肌桥 skin and muscle bridge
- 皮肌炎 dermatomyositis,dm; dm
- 哈蜜瓜(皱皮瓜) cantaloupe
- 焊缝皱皮 puckering
- 桔皮现象,皱皮 apfelsinenhaut
- 涂膜皱皮 alligatoring
- 一片皱皮瓜 a slice of cantaloup
- 油漆皱皮 orange peeling
- 皱皮齿突蟾 scutiger sikimmensis
- 皱皮木纲 lyginopteridatae
- 皱皮木瓜 wrinkled papaya