They ' re young , muscled , athletic , and fat - free . their 185cm body is nearly hairless , except for the perfect head of hair on top of their beautiful , wrinkle - free faces 他们年轻、肌肉健壮、精力充沛、身上没有一点赘肉。他们1 . 80米高的身躯几乎没有任何毛发,只是在没有皱纹的俊美脸庞上方有一头美发。
With the complacency of a man on parade , he stepped springing on his muscular legs , drawing himself up without the slightest effort , as though he were swinging , and this easy elasticity was a striking contrast to the heavy tread of the soldiers keeping step with him 他怀着置身于前线使他觉得洋洋自得的心情,迈开肌肉健壮的两腿,像泅水那样轻松愉快地走着,毫不费劲地挺直身子,他那轻快的步子和合着他的步调的士兵们的沉重的脚步迥然不同。