- general secretary of the federal assembly
- 联邦议会 federal parliament
- 秘书长 secretary general
- 国民议会秘书长 secretary general of national assembly
- 议会秘书长联合会 asgp; association of secretaries general of parliaments
- 议会秘书长协会 association of secretaries general of parliaments
- 德联邦议会 bundesrath
- 联邦议会 bundesrat; bundestag, der; congress of the union; federal assembly of the comoros; federal council; federal parliament
- 议会秘书 clerk of the nitijela; the clerk to the council
- 联邦议会议长 president of federal assembly; president of federal council
- 联邦议会议员 bundestagsabgeordnete der -; bundestagsabgeordnete, der; - n, -
- 联邦议会主席 president of the federal assembly
- 瑞士联邦议会 swiss federal council
- 澳大利亚联邦议会 federal parliament of australia
- 联邦议会副议长 vice president of federal assembly
- 联邦议会副主席 vice president of the federal assembly; vice-president of the federal assembly
- 英联邦议会协会 commonwealth parliamentary association; cpa
- 律师协会秘书长 secretary general of bar (lawyer) association; secretary general of bar association
- 欧洲委员会秘书长 council of europe secretary general
- 临时区议会秘书处 provisional district board secretariat
- 临时立法会秘书处秘书长 secretary general of the provisional legislative council secretariat
- 邦议会 state parliament
- 北马里亚纳群岛联邦议会 northern marianas islands commonwealth legislature
- 捷克斯洛伐克联邦议会 federal assembly
- 旧德意志之联邦议会 bundesrath
- 密克罗尼西亚联邦议会 parliament