- 联结 bind; tie; join; jointing; a ...
- 式 type; style
- 桥墩 pier
- 埋藏式桥墩 buried abutment
- 埋入式桥墩 buried pier
- 伸出式桥墩 projecting abutment
- 塔式桥墩 tower pier
- 斜面式桥墩 batter pier
- 哑铃式桥墩 dumb-bell pier
- 摇式桥墩 rocking pier
- 桩式桥墩 pile pier
- 背面联结式 back connection type
- 联结式关系 unit relationship
- 联结式学习 associative learning
- 拼装式桥墩安装 pier construction of assembly unit
- 配对联结式学习 paired associate learning
- 串行联结式减速齿轮 tandem articulated type reduction gear
- 联结式学习,联想式学习 associative learning
- 切线联结式环形交叉 tangent roundabout
- 双串行联结式减速齿轮 dual tandem articulated ( or locked train) type reduction gear; dual tandem articulated type reduction gear; dualtandemarticulatedorlockedtraintypereductiongear
- 直接联结式低速发动机 direct-coupled slow speed engine
- 直接联结式二冲程发动机 direct-coupled two stroke engine
- 结式 [数学] eliminant; resultant; resultant expression
- 桥墩 (bridge) pier 水下桥墩 underwater foundation
- 联结 bind; tie; join; jointing; anastomosis 联结两国人民友谊的纽带 the ties of friendship that join the two peoples; 由一地峡与大陆联结在一起 be tied to the mainland by an isthmus; 他的前途与公司的前途紧紧地联结在一起。 his future is closely bound up with that of the company. 这台机器的两部分是如何联结起来的? how are the two halves of the machine joined together?; 联结点 tie-point; wiring point; 联结杆 connecting link; 联结构架 braced framing; 联结环 draw-barring; 联结轴 coupling shaft; coupling spindle