- united nations special coordinator's office
- 联合国 the United Nations
- 特别 special; unusual; particular ...
- 协调 coordinate; concert; integra ...
- 员 a surname
- 办事处 office; agency
- 联合国紧急救灾行动特别协调员办事处 office of the united nations special coordinator for emergency relief operations
- 联合国非洲和最不发达国家特别协调员办事处 united nations office of special coordinator in africa and the least developed countries
- 联合国救灾协调员办事处 bureau du coordonnateur des nations unies pour les secours en cas de catastrophe
- 萨拉热窝特别协调员办事处 office of the special coordinator for sarajevo
- 联合国伊拉克人道主义协调员办事处 united nations office of the humanitarian coordinator in iraq
- 特别协调员 special co-ordinator
- 被占领土协调员办事处 unsco
- 联合国境内流离失所问题特别协调员 united nations special coordinator on internal displacement
- 联合国萨拉热窝特别协调员 united nations special coordinator for sarajevo
- 联合国救灾协调专员办事处 office of the united nations disaster relief co ordinator; office of the united nations disaster relief co-ordinator; office of united nations disaster relief co-ordinator; undro; united nations office of the disaster relief co-ordinator
- 联合国救灾协调专员办事处核心方案 core programme of the office of the united nations disaster relief coordinator
- 联合国安保协调员办公室 office of the united nations security coordinator
- 联合国安全协调员办公室 unsecoord
- 联合国莫桑比克紧急救济行动特别协调员 united nations special coordinator for emergency relief operations in mozambique
- 加强联合国救灾协调专员办事处信托基金 trust fund for strengthening the office of the united nations disaster relief co ordinator; trust fund for strengthening the office of the united nations disaster relief co-ordinator
- 非洲和最不发达国家特别协调员办公室 office of the special coordinator for africa and ldcs
- 新能源和可再生能源特别协调员办公室 office of the special coordinator on new and renewable source of energy
- 驻伊拉克人道主义协调员办事处 office of the humanitarian coordinator in iraq
- 联合国纳米比亚专员办事处 office of the united nations commission for namibia; office of the united nations commissioner for namibia
- 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 unhcr; united nations high commissioner for refugees