尔 [书面语]Ⅰ代词1.(你) you 我无尔诈, 尔无我虞。i shall not practise deception on you, nor shall you do the same on me.2.(如此; 这样) like that; so 不过尔尔 just middling; 果尔 if so3.(那;这) that 尔日 that day; 尔时 at that timeⅡ[形容词后缀: 率尔而对 give a hasty reply; reply without thinking; 莞尔一笑 give a soft smile
For emerson there is no cruel war of irreconcilable extremes; extremes nuzzle one another in their eagerness to come together . 在爱默生心目中,不可调和的极端之间没有你死我活的斗争,两者渴望接近而耳鬓厮磨。
The affection that had followed marriage, the love that followed intimacy, the understanding that followed time together filled her life . 新婚燕尔的缱绻,耳鬓厮磨的欢情,共同生活中的相互理解,构成了她生活的全部内容。
If someone pray for family to be closer , you think god give them warm fuzzy feelings or does he give them opportunity to love each other 如果有人祈求家庭更亲近,你觉得上帝只是给他们耳鬓厮磨的感觉?还是给他们共渡难关的机会
耳鬓厮磨的韩语:【성어】 귀와 살쩍을 서로 문지르다; 친밀하다. 사내아이와 계집아이가 서로 다정하게 지내다.
耳鬓厮磨的俄语:pinyin:ěrbìnsīmó прижиматься ухо к уху, висок к виску (обр. в знач.: быть в тесной близости, жить в теснейшем общении)
耳鬓厮磨什么意思:ěr bìn sī mó 【解释】鬓:鬓发;厮:互相;磨:擦。耳与鬓发互相摩擦。形容相处亲密 【出处】清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第72回:“咱们从小耳鬓厮磨,你不曾拿我当外人待,我也不敢怠慢了你。” 【示例】清·沈复《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“自此~,亲同形影。” 【拼音码】ebsm 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容男女相恋 【英文】close association during ch...