- 老年 old age
- 河 river
- 老年河谷 old valley
- 常年河 continuous stream; perennial stream; permanent stream
- 穆年河 munyen
- 青年河 adolescent river; adolescent stream; youthful river; youthful stream
- 婴年河 infant stream
- 幼年河 a youthful river; young river; young stream; youthful river
- 壮年河 adolescent river; mature river; mature stream
- 老年 old age老年保健 geracomia; 老年人口型 elderly population category; 老年心理学 psychology of aging; 老年 (医)学 gerontology; 老年医药保险 medicare for the aged
- 十年河东,十年河西 changeable in prosperity and declinecapricious in rise and fallchequered
- 十年河东十年河西 br /27.ups and downs; changeable in prosperity and decline
- 布拉年河 buranhem river; buranhem, r
- 常流河;常年河 pere ial river; pere ialriver; perennial river
- 常年河流 continuous stream; live stream; perennial stream; permanent stream
- 三十年河东 every dog has his days
- 伊塔年河 itanhem river; itanhem, r
- 幼年河谷 young valley
- 壮年河谷 mature river valley
- 壮年河流 mature stream
- 三十年河东,三十年河西 changeable in prosperity and decline capricious in rise and falla chequered careerfull of ups and downs
- 三十年河东三十年河西 full of ups and downs
- 年河水流入量 annual river inflow
- 常流河 常年河流 长流河 perennialriver
- 初老年 young old