- 老年 old age
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 肌萎缩 amyotrophia; amyotrophy; mya ...
- 废用性肌萎缩 disuse myatrophy; muscular atrophy of disuse
- 风湿性肌萎缩 rheumatic atrophy
- 脊髓性肌萎缩 spinal muscular atrophy
- 进行性肌萎缩 atrophia musculorum progressiva; diystropia musculorum progressiva; progressive muscular atrophy; wasting palsy
- 神经性肌萎缩 neural muscle atrophy; neuritic muscular atrophy; neurogenic muscle wasting; neurotic atrophy
- 特发性肌萎缩 idiopathic muscular atrophy
- 先天性肌萎缩 amyotrophia congenita; myophagism congenita
- 老年性皮萎缩 atrophia cutis senilis
- 纯型进行性肌萎缩 pure progressive muscular atrophy
- 脊髓病性肌萎缩 aran-duchenne muscular disease; aran-duchenne syndrome
- 慢性脊髓性肌萎缩 chronic spinal muscular atrophy
- 慢性脊椎性肌萎缩 chronic spinal muscular atrophy
- 犬脊髓性肌萎缩 canine spinal muscular atrophy
- 神经病性肌萎缩 neural atrophy; neuropathic atrophy
- 神经痛性肌萎缩 neuralgic amyotrophia; neuralgic amyotrophy; shoulder-girdle neuritis
- 神经营养性肌萎缩 neurotrophic atrophy
- 神经原性肌萎缩 neuropathic muscular atrophy
- 失神经性肌萎缩 denervated muscle atrophy; denervatid muscle atrophy
- 糖尿病性肌萎缩 diabetic amyotrophia; diabetic amyotrophy
- 先天性脑性肌萎缩 congenital cerebromuscular dystrophy
- 婴儿脊髓性肌萎缩 infantile spinal muscular atrophy
- 婴儿进行性肌萎缩 progressive muscular atrophy of infancy