Senile dementia is a pressing medical and social problem for modern societies 老人痴呆是现代社会面对的一个重要医学和社会问题。
It is amazing . i have a very dear friend who is also suffering from alzheimer s , and it hurts me 我有一位好朋友,今早也在这里,他也受老人痴呆症困扰,这叫我心痛
And he confided in me that she had a neurological disease , similar to an early onset dementia or alzheimers 他跟我透露,其实她得了神经方面的毛病,类似早期的老人痴呆症。
Topic 2 : from basic medical science research to health food products : what do we know about alzheimer ' s disease 讲题二:从医学基础研究到保健产品谈老人痴呆症:你我知多少?
For this reason , fish eaters like the japanese and eskimos seem to have lower incidences of heart problems , and longer life 日本的一项研究报告:患上老人痴呆症的病人,在服食dha后,痴呆症的症状减轻。
Full version can be downloaded . it included comprehensive guideline for the treatment of agitation behaviour of demented patient 可下载全套临床服务指引,内容包括老人痴呆症的评估及行为问题及心理问颢的处理等。
Apoe4 is not the causative gene ; it is merely a susceptibility gene and reflects a degree of risk for the disease Apoe4并非引致老人痴呆的直接基因,它祗是一个易感基因( susceptibilitygene ) ,还有其他的基因,引致或影响痴呆病的发生。
Memory decline is a prominent feature in the preclinical stage of dementia . therefore , memory decline is usually regarded as an early marker of dementia 记忆衰退是老人痴呆症的先兆,能够延缓记忆衰退,则老人痴呆症的病发率或可得以延缓。