Some translators sacrifice accuracy to vividness 有些翻译工作者为追求生动而牺牲准确性。
Translators association of china 中国翻译工作者协会
Hundreds of technical translators are needed in various scientific research institutes 各科学研究所需要数百名科技翻译工作者
So vital , yet , a translator is taken for granted , once introduced . . . when he not being criticised 翻译工作者如此重要,却被轻描淡写地一笔带过… …除非他们遭到批评!
For every public use of his / her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law 翻译工作者对公开使用其译文有权获得法律或合同规定的报酬。
Being a " secondary " author , the translator is required to accept special obligations with respect to the author of the original work 翻译工作者作为"再创造"的作者,对原作者负有特殊义务。
Because of their special language and functions , english advertising slogans often pose certain difficulty for translators 摘要广告英语因其特殊的语言与功能常给翻译工作者带来一定的难度。
In general , he / she shall neither seek nor accept work under conditions humiliating to himself / herself or his / her profession 翻译工作者不应该在有损于个人或职业尊严的条件下去寻找或接受工作。
The translator must be assured of living conditions enabling him / her to carry out with efficiency and dignity the social task conferred on him / her 翻译工作者有权获得能使他切实完成其所负社会任务的生活条件。
The translator shall thus enjoy , with respect to his / her translation , all the moral rights of succession conferred by his / her authorship 翻译工作者对其译著享有与作者同样的一切道义上的权利与遗产转让的权利。