- 美德 virtue; moral excellence
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 馈赠 make a present of sth.
- 美德的动摇 a misstepping of virtue
- 无美德的 virtueless
- 受本条例囿制的馈赠 gift caught by this ordinance
- 这本书则是理想的馈赠 the book would make an ideal present
- 对美德的奖赏 lesson reward for virtue
- 或喻美德的不幸 the misfortunes of virtue
- 馈赠 present (a gift); make a present of sth.; give as a present 馈赠礼品 make a present; 接受馈赠 accept a present; receive sth. as a present; 谢绝馈赠 decline presents; 这本书则是理想的馈赠。 the book would make an ideal present. 人参是送给康复期病人的常见馈赠。 ginseng is the usual gift for a convalescent
- 瑞斯丁娜,或喻美德的不幸 justine; the misfortunes of virtue
- 勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂 courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue
- 美德 virtue; moral excellence 美德无价 virtue is beyond price; 传统美德 traditional virtue; 修道院式的美德 cloistered virtue; 诚实是一种美德。 honesty is a virtue
- 勇气和坚定是美德的精神与灵魂 fish begins to stink at the head
- 馈赠人 donee of gift
- 馈赠税 gift tax
- 中性的馈线 neutral feeder
- 德行、美德 virtues
- 美德,德行 virtue
- 美德,优点 virtue
- 美德东 my duc dong
- 美德菲 medfield
- 美德福 medford
- 美德拉 mederdra
- 美德纳 maydena