- american holidays and special days
- 美国 the United States of America ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 假期 vacation; holiday time
- 和 mix; blend
- 节日 festival; red-letter day; ho ...
- 假期和节日工资 vacation and holiday pay
- 询问及提供有关未来计划,假期和节日的信息 asking for and giving information about future plans, holidays, and celebrations
- 美国人的假期 / /vacations in america; vacations in america
- 美国学生的假期 summer vacation for american school students
- 美国的重要节日 theimportantholidaysintheu.s
- 巴布的假期 babu on vacation
- 冬冬的假期 a summer at grandpa's; dong dong’s vacation; dongdong de jiaqi; summer at grandpas
- 冻结的假期 frozen leave
- 短暂的假期 a short holiday speech film ceremony
- 获准的假期 leave of absence
- 积存的假期 leave balance; leave in credit
- 几周的假期 several week's
- 两周的假期 a fortnight's leave
- 迷人的假期 the fascinating love
- 明年的假期 next year's holiday
- 学校的假期 a holiday from school; the school holiday
- 最後的假期 last holiday
- 积存的假期;假期总额 leave balance
- 中国的节日 chinese festivals; chinese holidays; festival in china; the festival of china
- 和节日等比如学习 monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday