The american navy is still hovering and shooting offshore . 美国海军仍在沿海一带巡弋打炮。
My chief tells me to respond for the united states navy . 我的首长让我代表美国海军致答辞。
The american navy would defend and patrol the western hemisphere . 美国海军将防御和巡逻西半球。
Without tactical experience the us navy had to rely heavily on war-gaming . 由于没有实战经验,美国海军在很大程度上只得依靠演习。
The adoption of the war resolution found the american navy ready and eager to join the battle . 参战决议通过后,美国海军已有准备,并渴望参战。
The united states navy is investigating the use of fiber optics for communicating with submerged submarines . 美国海军正在研究如何利用纤维光学同没入水下的舰艇进行通讯。
The united states navy, for instance, recently examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers . 例如,美国海军最近对大量在航空母舰上工作的人进行过调查。
Captain joyce, the american naval attache, a jolly irishman with a knowing eye, asked pamela to dance . 美国海军武官乔伊斯是个老于世故的,乐呵呵的爱尔兰人,他请帕米拉跳舞。
United states naval forces allocated to me for the proposed operation were commanded by rear admiral andrew c. bennetl . 美国海军部队,为计划中的行动而拨给我的部队,是由培纳脱海军少将指挥。