- 富有 rich; wealthy rich in; full ...
- 富有 1.(拥有大量财产) rich; wealthy2.(大量具有) rich in; full of 富有魅力 seductive; full of charm [fascination]; 富有远见 full of farsightedness; farsighted; 富有经验 rich in experience; very experienced; 富有代表性 typical; 富有战斗性 very militant; 是富有生命力的 be full of vitality; 富有成效 be fruitful; 他富有自我牺牲精神。 he was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice
- 富有的 abundant; affluent - needy; oofy; rich; wealthy; well-heeled; well-to-do
- 富有地 wealthily
- 富有夫 fuyuo
- 富有者 richling
- 富于,富有 be abundant in
- 更富有 be better off
- 很富有 be wallowing in money
- 极富有 enormously rich
- 太富有 too rich
- 王富有 fuyou wang
- 张富有 fu-you zhang
- 变得富有 grow rich
- 非常富有 as rich as croesus
- 丰富的,富有的 rich
- 富有表情的 talking
- 富有策略 diplomatic
- 富有朝气 be full of vigour and vitality 富有朝气的青年 young people full of vigour
- 富有成果 fructify
- 富有成果的 fruitful
- 富有成果地 productively with good results
- 富有成效 be fruitful; effectively
- 富有闯劲 initiative
- 富有创意的 creative