Code for design of fire - dike in storage tank farm 储罐区防火堤设计规范
Application of siemens pcs7 in supervision system of pot district 7在罐区监控系统中的应用
The construction management of a pipeline project in iran 伊朗纳卡罐区总承包的管道施工管理
Design of a monitoring system for an oilcan based on kingview 基于组态王的油品罐区监视系统设计
Code for the design of tank farms in petrochemical storage and transportation system 石油化工储运系统罐区设计规范
Technical requiments of acceptance for safety monitoring , controlling and early warning system of inflammable and explosive tank farm 易燃易爆罐区安全监控预警系统验收技术要求
In two deep well anode ground beds at tank zone of yizheng pump station , metal oxide is used as an anode material and obtains good results 在仪征泵站罐区的2口深井阳极地床中,采用金属氧化物作为阳极材料,取得了较好的效果。
These years , with people realize the oil tins section bale sequel , the automatic control and manage modernization develop very much 近几年,随着人们对罐区灾难性事故后果的认识和提高,罐区自动化控制和管理现代化有了相当的发展。
In the whole system , functions of automatic measurement , display , alarm , and print are realized , in which the modern management of oil tank zone is rooted 整个系统实现自动监测、显示、报警、打印等功能,为油库罐区的现代化管理打下了基础。
At the beginning of this thesis , the lonworks fieldbus technology and its application in the oil tank gauging system are presented 本文首先介绍现场总线技术发展以及lonworks技术在油罐测量系统中的应用,结合罐区测量的原理和方法介绍了系统的结构、功能和特点。