Development of a new type eprom general program - writing machine 通用编程器的研制
The programmer designed for series of at89c5x microprocessors 系列单片机编程器设计
Plc controller can be reprogrammed through a computer ( usual way ) , but also through manual programmers ( consoles ) Plc控制器可以通过计算机(通常方式)重新编程,但是也可以通过人工编程器9控制台)编程。
It is a universal device programmer that includes 84 pin drivers with complete continuity and functionality testing available on every pin 它为通用器件编程器支持完成连续性和功能测试高达84个脚的器件。
There are a few universities develop coherent program tools but they are just support only one style mcu of mc68hc08 and without debugger 一个嵌入式开发平台研制的难点在于编程器的通用性和c语言源程序级调试的实现。
The paper describe in detailedly the scheme of all - purpose programmer and debugger with usb interface , also include the design of hardware and software 论文详细地阐述了带有usb接口的通用编程器和调试器的设计方案及软硬件设计。
Typically , the programmable deice is inserted into a socket on the deice programmer and the contents of a memory buffer are then transferred into it 典型地,可编程设备被插到设备编程器的接口上,接着内存缓存器中的内容被传送到它里面。
To resolve these problem , we bring forward a new program tool to support all kind of mcus of m68hc08 and provide debugger to debug c code 本文针对freescalem68hc08系列单片机,提出了通用编程器的解决方案以及c语言源程序级调试的实现方法。
Manley electronic ltd . , founded in 1990 , is engaged in r & d of design tool and application - specific solutions for modern micro - processors 万利电子有限公司创立于1990年。公司致力于嵌入式微处理器仿真开发系统、编程器和应用方案的研发制造。
Typically , the programmable device is inserted into a socket on the device programmer and the contents of a memory buffer are then transferred into it 典型地,可编程设备被插到设备编程器的接口上,接着内存缓存器中的内容被传送到它里面。