- 编制 authorized strength; formati ...
- 编译 compile; translate and edit
- 严格控制编制 bing the staff sizes under strict control
- 表控制编译程序 table-driven compiler
- 过程控制编译程序 process control compiler
- 编译程序编写, 编译程序编制 compiler writing
- 编译程序编制员 compiler writer
- 建立科学的体制编制 establish a scientific organizational structure
- 编译程序用编制程序 compiler generator
- 标准编译程序编制者 normal compiler writer
- 程序编译的编制课程 compiler writing course
- 编译程序编制员, 编译程序编写者 compiler writer
- 编译程序用编制程序,编译程序的生成程序 compiler generator
- 编译 [计算机] compile; translate and edit◇编译程序 compiler; compile programme; compiling routine; 编译程序接口 compiler interface; 编译程序库 compiler base; 编译程序系统 compiler system; 编译程序语言 compiler language; 编译错误 compile error; 编译计算机 compiling computer; 编译指示 compiling program; 编译自动化 compiling automation; 编译系统 compiling system
- 编制 1.(组织机构的设置及其人员数量的定额和职务的分配) authorized strength; formation; establishment; manning quotas 政府机关的编制 authorized size of a government body; 部队编制 establishment (for army units); 战时编制 wartime establishment; 缩小编制 reduce the staff2.(把细长物交叉制成器物) weave; plait; braid 编制竹器 weave bamboo articles3.(制订) work out; draw up 编制生产计划 work out a production plan; 编制教学大纲 draw up a teaching programme; 编制程序 program composition; generator; 编制电脑软件 programme the computer system; 编制目录 scheduling; 编制全面预算方法 full-budgeting approach; 编制委员会 organization commission; 编制预算 budget presentation; prepare budget; draw up a budget
- 闭合制编号 closed numbering
- 多进制编码 multilevel code
- 二进制编码 binary code; binary coding; binary encoding; binary notation; binaryencoding
- 可绘制编辑 pitch shift
- 强制编码 forced coding
- 三进制编码 ternary coding
- 十二制编码 duodecimal coding
- 十进制编码 coded decimal notation
- jit编译 jit compilation
- 编译表 compile list