绝其后路 cut off his retreat; 掌声不绝 prolonged applause; 自绝于人民 alienate oneself from the peopleⅡ形容词 1.(完全没有了; 穷尽; 净尽) exhausted; used up; finished
弹尽粮绝 have run out of ammunition and provisions; 斩尽杀绝 kill all; wipe out the whole lot; 方法都用绝了。 all possible means and ways have been tried.2.(走不通的; 没有出路的) desperate; hopeless
拍案叫绝 thump the table and praise the excellence of a thing; 她的书画可称双绝。 her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art.4.(确定; 肯定) leaving no leeway; making no allowance; uncompromising
不要把话说绝 don't be too definitive in what you say; 他尽管不同意, 但是没有把话说绝。 he disagreed, but he didn't say anything definitive.Ⅲ副词 1.(极; 最) extremely; most
绝大多数 most; the overwhelming majority; 绝大的错误 an egregious error; a grievous fault; 绝好的机会 an excellent opportunity; 绝早 extremely early2.(用在否定词前面: 绝对) absolutely; in the least; by any means; on any account
绝不可能 [信] absolutely impossible [unbelievable]; 绝非偶然 by no means fortuitous; 绝无此意 have absolutely no such intentionsⅣ名词 (绝句) jueju, a poem of four lines
诀窍 secret of success; tricks of the trade; knack 成功的诀窍 the secret of success; 做生意的诀窍 the tricks of the trade; 学会诀窍 get [learn] the trick of it; 他教算术有诀窍。 he has a knack of teaching arithmetic
She is a genius at doing crossword puzzles . 她做纵横填字游戏是一绝。
Her cooking is nothing like as good as yours . 她做饭的手艺绝比不上你。
His condemnation made him an outcast . 他之被判罪使他见绝于人。
I have never classified you with a bad group . 我绝没有把你归入任何坏类型。
By god , i never observed it . 老天爷在上,我绝没有注意过它。
All possible means and ways have been tried . 方法都用绝了。
Cats can never change back into kittens . 老猫绝变不成小猫。
绝的法语:动 rompre;séparer;couper;interrompre;cesser拒~refuser. 形 1.épuisé;venir à bout de;fini弹尽粮~munitions et vivres épuisés;être à court de vivres et de munitions 2.désespéré;sans issue~境impasse;situation san...