书写和绘图纸幅面尺寸 writing paper and certain classes printed mattertrimmed sizesa and b seriesies
It is possible to print a compilation as a blue key on a white drawing surface . 在白色绘图纸上将编稿晒成蓝图。
Paper and board . characteristics of drawing paper 纸和纸板.绘图纸特性
Decimal inch drawing sheet size and format 十进制英制绘图纸规格和格式
Paper weight : plotting paper 50 - 100g , roll paper40kg 绘图纸要求在50 - 100g ,卷筒纸重量40公斤
Various widths of paper for shifts 可灵活选用多种门幅绘图纸
Metric drawing sheet size and format 米制绘图纸规格和格式
Writing paper and certain classes printed matter - trimmed sizes - a and b series 印刷书写和绘图纸幅面尺寸
Common paper more than 35 - 65g 使用35 - 65g以上普通绘图纸
It could be drawing in the drawing paper . and could also drawing in the plywood directly . save material and save time . a world of supply veracity 能在绘图纸上绘图,也能在木板上直接绘图,省料省时,更能提高准确度。
Figures include consumption of a4 - size office paper , a3 - size office paper , computer paper , plotting drawing paper , plotting tracing paper , printing drawing paper and envelopes 数字包括a4纸张、 a3纸张、电脑纸、绘图纸、晒图纸、印图纸及信封的消耗量。