get acquainted with sb.; get to know sb.: 结识了许多朋友 have made a lot of friends; 许多人竭力想结识他。 many people sought his acquaintance. 我们是在火车长途旅行中偶然结识的朋友。 we are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey
You will also make some desirable acquaintances . 你也可以结识 几个合意的朋友。 Many people sought his acquaintance . 许多人竭力想结识 他。 He picked up the girl at a college disco . 他在学校的迪斯科舞会上偶然结识 了那姑娘。 She is not at all a proper person for you to know . 她可不是正派人,你不应该结识 她。 It certainly helps to know a man who knows a man .结识 一个与重要人物相识的人的确有好处。 He made a new friend . 他又结识 了一个新朋友。 I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel . 当初,我是在一艘捕鲸船上同他结识 的。 John struck up a friendship with a very pretty girl at my party last week . 约翰在我上周举行的聚会上结识 了一个美丽的姑娘。 A dog and a cock having struck up an acquaintance, went out on their travels together . 狗和公鸡结识 之后,就一块儿去旅行。
结识的法语 :动 faire la connaissance de qn;faire connaissance avec qn结识的日语 :知り合いになる.近づきになる. 他在出国访问期间结识了许多国际友人/彼は外国を訪問中に,多くの海外の友人をつくった.结识的韩语 :[동사] 사귀다. 他结识了许多国际友人; 그는 많은 외국 친구들을 사귀었다结识的俄语 :[jiéshí] завязать знакомство с кем-либо; познакомиться с кем-либо结识什么意思 :jiéshí 跟人相识并来往:这次出访,~了许多国际友人。