Natural stone test methods . determination of resistance to salt crystallisation 天然石材的试验方法.耐盐结晶作用的测定
In the early stage when the tiny spherical phases are smaller than micron scale , they collide and merge violently , therefore , they develop rapidly and are difficult to be preserved 在早期,数十微米级以下细小的不混溶球体相互相碰撞合并作用剧烈,生长迅速,正因为如此,以及岩浆结晶作用影响,这种球体相一般难以保存下来。
The mineralogical characteristics suggest that different rock types of kuzigan intrusion are products of the same magma , and that the magma , instead of being affected much by fractional crystallization , has dominantly experienced equilibrating crystallization 研究表明,苦子干岩体中的不同岩石类型系同源岩浆演化的产物;岩浆在整个演化过程中平衡结晶作用占主导,分离结晶作用的影响极小。
The qiongzhong and danxian batholiths , as the largest early mesozoic syntectonic granite intrusions in hainan island , are mainly composed of porphyritic biotite two - feldspars granitoids , in which alkali - feldspar phenocrysts and dark minerals are foliated mostly in we - direction . the granites are of metaluminous i - type . major and trace elements show co - variations with sio2 , suggesting the fractional crystallization of plagioclase , hornblende , apatite and ti - fe oxides in the evolution of the granites 花岗岩的主量元素和部分微量元素成分与sio _ 2呈良好的相关关系,显示出明显的斜长石、角闪石、磷灰石和ti - fe氧化物等的分离结晶作用,总体上它们与大陆岛弧花岗岩的微量元素丰度和分布特征相似,系统地亏损ba 、 nb 、 sr 、 p和ti等元素。
During diagenetic process , there may exist the fractional crystallization of clino - pyroxene , plagioclase , olivine and ti - fe oxide , and the accumulation of olivine . the alkalic - ultramafic dikes formed by low degree partial melting ( 3 . 4 % ) of enriched mantle , consist of single olivine pyroxenolite , the dominating olivine fractionation is evident 成因上为富集地幔部分熔融作用的结果,但在成岩过程中也可能存在单斜辉石、斜长石、橄榄石和ti - fe氧化物等矿物的分离结晶作用。