- band together to seek selfish interests; gang up to pursue selfish interests
- 营私 seek private gain; feather o ...
- 结帮 pal
- 营私 seek private [personal] gain; feather one's nest 结党营私 form a clique [band together] for selfish purposes; gang up for selfish interests
- 结党营私 gang up for selfish [private] interests; band together for selfish purposes; engage in factional activities in pursuit of personal gains; form a clique [cabal; coterie; party] for selfish [evil] purposes; form a coterie to pursue one's own selfish interests; knock together a clique to pursue one's own interests; set up [form] a clique for [to pursue] one's own selfish interests; set up a coterie in pursuit of selfish interests
- 舞弊营私 indulge in malpractices and obtain private advantages
- 营私舞弊 engage in malpractices for selfish ends; be corrupt (in politics); be involved in corruption; conduct [be involved in] illegal transactions; corruption in government; engage in embezzlement; engage in fraudulent and unlawful practice for one's own benefit; exploit one's office, for one's own ends; further private ends and engage in malpractices; make use of one's position as an official to serve private ends; malpractices; malversation; practise corruption [graft]; use dishonestly one's position of trust for private gain 他营私舞弊, 已经被撤职查办。 he has been removed from office and prosecuted on a charge of embezzlement
- 营私自肥 feather one's (own) nest to enrich oneself by unlawful means; plan private interest and enrich oneself
- 植党营私 form a clique [band together] for selfish purposes; form political cliques for private gain; set up a clique for one's own selfish interest
- 曲解法律以营私 wrest the law to suit oneself
- 营私舞弊,假公济私 jobbery
- 营私自肥,中饱私囊 feather your own nest
- 中饱私囊,营私自肥 feather one/'s own nest; feather one's own nest
- 公私利益冲突,借公营私 conflict of interest
- 他营私舞弊已经被撤职查办 he has been removed from office and prosecuted on a charge of embezzlement
- 结边际效应 p-n junction edge effectp-n
- 结边界 junction boundary
- 结半跏趺坐 hero/heroine posture
- 结变容二极管 junction varactor
- 结半道体激光器 p-n junction semi-conductor laserp_n
- 结冰 freeze; ice up; ice over; frozen 淡水在摄氏零度结冰。 fresh water freezes at 0℃. 这样可防止机翼结冰。 that will prevent the wings of the aircraft from icing up.; 结冰期 ice period; 结冰试验 icing tests; 结冰条件 ice-formation condition
- 结半导体激光器 p-n junction semiconductor laser pn
- 结冰凹地 frost hollow
- 结伴走在生命的小路上 to walk this path with me until the end of time