- 绒毛 fine hair; down; lana; pubes ...
- 剪 scissors; shears; clippers a ...
- 股 thigh; haunches
- 颖 grain husk; glume tip; point ...
- 剪股颖 agrostis stolonifera
- 剪股颖属 agrostis
- 葡萄剪股颖 carpet bentgrass
- 秋剪股颖 autumn bentgrass
- 细弱剪股颖 agrostis tenuis; browintop bent/colonial bent; colonial bentgrass = rhode island bent
- 匍茎剪股颖 agrostis
- 匍匐剪股颖 creeping bentgrass
- 绒毛翦股颖 velvet bentgrass
- 剪股 shear leg
- 鼻毛剪 hs-207a; vibrissacscissors
- 马毛剪 hand horse clipper
- 羊毛剪 sheep clipper; sheep shears
- 翦股颖 agrostis tenuis; bent grass; creeping bentgrass
- 绒毛 1.(短而柔软的毛) fine hair; down; lana; pubescence; trophonema; villus (pl. villi); floss; tomentum2.[纺织] nap; pile
- 乱羊毛剪具 taggen
- 牛羊毛剪 clippers for cattle and sheep,hair; hair clippers for cattle and sheep
- 羊毛剪刀 sheewool shears
- 白翦股颖 agrostis alba
- 北方翦股颖 arctic bentgrass
- 冬翦股颖 winter bentgrass
- 海滨翦股颖 seaside bent