

  • favorable balance of current account surplus of current account
  • favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account
  • surplus of current account



  • 例句与用法
  • Current account surplus
  • China may have a global current account surplus this year of nearly $ 150 billion , among the highest in the world
    中国今年的国际收支经常项目顺差可能达到近1 , 500亿美元,居世界前列。
  • The current account surplus is estimated at roughly 2 . 0 percent of gdp , also marginally higher than in the previous half year
    5 % 。经常项目顺差估计大约占gdp的2 . 0 % ,也只比前一个半年略高。
  • A current account surplus increases a country ' s net foreign assets by the corresponding amount , and a current account deficit does the reverse
    经常项目顺差增加了一个国家相应金额的外国资本净额, ;经常项目逆差则恰好相反。
  • As a result of the higher current account surplus and reported capital inflows , gross foreign reserves grew $ 31 billion to $ 243 billion
  • This , along with the large current account surplus , caused the nt $ to appreciate 3 . 7 percent on a nominal basis against the u . s . dollar and 0 . 4 percent on a real trade - weighted basis
    6 % ) 。再加上巨大的经常项目顺差,新台币对美元的汇率名义上上升3 . 7 % ,以贸易加权计算的实际汇率上升0
  • The paper has four parts , the main points as follows : part one analyses the basement of our fer on the point of balance of payments . then , i get conclusions as our fer comes from the balance of payments double - surplus and a large part from current account
  • Then the article puts forward the method of demonstration and concretely verifies the economic status in u . s . in the past forty years , us assumed a typical macroeconomic pattern . from the beginning of 1960 ' s to the end of 1970 ' s , the balance of payments of us keeps surplus while from the early 1980 ' s , the balance of payments of us changed into deficit gradually . the article divided the us economy into two phases
    在过去40多年中,美国的宏观经济运行比较典型, 60年代初至70年代末美国一直是资本输出国(国外净资产大于零) ,并且保持经常项目顺差,到了80年代以后逐步变成了资本输入国(国外净资产小于零) ,经常项目也发生了逆转,从而将美国经济划分为两个阶段。
  • 推荐英语阅读
经常项目顺差的英文翻译,经常项目顺差英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译经常项目顺差,经常项目顺差的英文意思,經常項目順差的英文经常项目顺差 meaning in English經常項目順差的英文经常项目顺差怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
